2003 Archive
22 December 2003: Completed matching backgrounds for the species pages of Families: Anacardiaceae, Arecaceae, Aquifoliaceae, Bromeliaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Cupressaceae, Meliaceae, and Ulmaceae. msb
8 December 2003: Completed matching backgrounds for the species pages of Families: Euphorbiaceae, Lauraceae, Magnoliaceae, Moraceae, Rhamnaceae, and Tiliaceae. msb
4 December 2003: Added images to the following species pages: Drummond red maple, peppervine, ladies'-eardrops, French mulberry, buttonbush, sugarberry, roughleaf dogwood, swamp privet, Virginiawillow, bigleaf magnolia, swamp tupelo, Virginia creeper, longleaf pine, Japanese yew, Nuttall oak, palmetto, tallowtree, and lanceleaf greenbrier.msb
19 November 2003: Added "Plant List By Wetland Indicator Category" page with species sorted by Wetland Designation (OBL, FACW, FAC, FACU, UPL) and linked to individual species pages. Updated all pages with addition of link to new Wetland Indicator Plant List page. Corrected page titles for virtual tour pages. msb
11 November 2003: Completed matching backgrounds for species pages of Family: Liliaceae. Species pages added: camphor tree, coral bean, strawberry bush, Chinese parasoltree, yellow jessamine, Chinaberry, oleander, American mistletoe, cabbage palm, common greenbrier, ball moss, Spanish moss, Chinese elm, evergreen blueberry, and Elliott's huckleberry. msb
6 November 2003: Completed matching backgrounds for species pages of Families: Betulaceae, Bignoniaceae, Cornaceae, Ginkgoaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Nyssaceae, Oleaceae, Salicaceae, Taxodiaceae, Vitaceae. Species page added: red buckeye. msb
31 October 2003: Edited the background to the "Common Name" plant list. Completed matching backgrounds for species pages of Families: Aceraceae, Fabaceae, Fagaceae, Juglandaceae, Pinaceae, and Rosaceae.msb
28 October 2003: Added thumbnail images for West Feliciana sites to "Sites and Ecosystems" page. Updated all species pages with "WETLAND DESIGNATION" information, where applicable. msb
20 October 2003: Current Site Summary: 146 species pages, 110 species (partially) photodocumented, 15 iPIX® virtual tour sites of 10 locations in south Louisiana. Updated backgrounds on several iPIX® virtual tour pages. Continued revision of navigation bars. msb
15 October 2003: Changed genus:Sapium to genus:Triadica, the newer preferred genus designation for tallowtree. Created and added 2 new iPIX® virtual tour pages: Upland#1 and #2 from West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana. Added source information for Louisiana Map image. Species pages added: bigleaf magnolia, Vitis sp., witch-hazel, hill blackgum, and white ash. msb
10 October 2003: Changed Carpinus caroliniana common name references from "bluebeech" to "hornbeam". Added "Forest Park: BREC" iPIX® page to Virtual Tours, correcting a previous oversight and added references to all appropriate pages. Species pages added: yellow-poplar, Russian olive, goldenrain tree, rattlebox, and sweetleaf. msb
30 September 2003: Revised several navigation bars with reference to plant lists. msb
26 September 2003: Posted pages for: black willow, sandbar willow, and "Species by Site Location". Revised navigation bar for "Common Name Plant List" and Site Log page. msb
18 September 2003: Uploaded 23 new species pages and a site index page with direct links to introduction, species lists, ecosystem/site summary page, individual ecosystem/site pages, sources and sitelog pages. msb
8 September 2003: Uploaded plant list pages with frames. Uploaded "completed" Aceraceae, Betulaceae, Pinaceae, Roseaceae, Taxodiaceae -- all pages linked to plant lists, text completed, images linked where available. Site summary: 13 ecosystems/sites with 63 species linked from them; 107 individual species pages; plant lists sorted alphabetcally by common name, scientific name, and arranged by family with cross-links to site pages; source page and sitelog. msb
29 August 2003: Changed colors on common name and family pages. Added common privet with images. Added images to planartree and water hickory. Uploaded all. Number of species: 87. msb
23 August 2003: Uploaded remaining Fagaceae linked with plant list pages. Text is complete. Images not uploaded. Uploaded "Plant List Sorted by Family" page. msb
21 August 2003: Created and added remaining Fagaceae to species pages. msb
8 August 2003: Created 10 species pages (not linked to any site). Text only, no images. Total number of species pages: 75. Total number of sites: 12. msb
6 August 2003: Site Demonstration. Species pages: 64; Number of sites: 12. plus species lists alphabetically by common name and by scientific name with links back to site pages, and source/bibliography page. msb
27 July 2003: 34 species pages uploaded, no backgrounds. 5 sites uploaded. Intro page, site summary, sources, plant lists almost completed. msb
June 2003: site design and establishment. msb
Site Log Archives: 2013 2011 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003