Louisiana Plant Identification
Site Log

2005 Archive

::: COMING ATTRACTIONS ::: Additional iPIX® images of south Louisiana ecosystems; text descriptions for virtual tour site pages; continued update and addition of species images.

9 December 2005: Added new species page for Sesbania herbacea (coffeeweed). Updated backgrounds on urban site pages. msb

22 November 2005: Added new images for delta post oak, southern red oak, and spanish moss. Corrected problems with backgrounds on several interactive site pages. msb

8 November 2005: Added the following new species pages: bicolor lespedeza, brownhair tephrosia, butterfly milkweed, dollarleaf rhynchosia, goat's rue, milkpea, New Jersey tea, velvetleaf rhynchosia, water hyacinth, and white milkweed. Updated all plant lists. Corrected Family for Japanese yew.    msb

4 November 2005: Added species page for Mimosa microphylla (sensitivebriar) with images. Updated the following pages with additional images: bear grass, black locust, hazel alder, honeylocust, persimmon, sensitivebriar, trumpet creeper, and Virginiawillow. msb

2 November 2005: Added species page for Desmodium sp. (beggar lice) and for Eupatorium sp. (joe-pye weed). Updated the "species list sorted by virtual tour location" page. Updated sorted species lists to include references to the Washington Parish virtual tours. msb

31 October 2005: Updated Title Page graphic. msb

28 October 2005: Updated the following pages with additional images: devilwood and mockernut hickory. Updated the following species pages with new images: climbing dogbane, coral bean, downy serviceberry, dwarf pawpaw, dwarf greenbrier, Elliott's huckleberry, gallberry, poison oak, poison sumac, possumhaw, post oak, red chokeberry, sweetbay, white titi, and witch-hazel. msb

25 October 2005: Redesigned and updated the Site Map. msb

21 October 2005: Updated the Sources page. Updated the following species pages with new or additional images: baldcypress, blackjack oak, bluejack oak, bluestem, camphor tree, candleberry, cat greenbrier, Chinese elm, chinquapin, common greenbrier, deciduous holly, delta post oak, Nuttall oak, saw greenbrier, and spanish moss. msb

13 October 2005: Added a new species page for delta post oak. Updated the page for post oak. Updated the following species pages with additional images: black willow, Japanese honeysuckle, and water oak. msb

22 July 2005: Added 3 new iPIX™ site images from Washington Parish, LA: a water feature, an upland site, and a seasonal wet site; added a new page and images for mockernut hickory. Updated the Sources page. msb

02 March 2005: Archived 2004 Site Log. Corrected species name for rusty blackhaw from Viburnum obovatum to Viburnum rufidulum. msb

03 January 2005: Updated the following species pages with additional images: goldenrain tree. msb

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