2006 Archive
::: What's New ::: Images can now be displayed with captions, and viewed as a "slideshow" with next/previous feature and can be accessed from any of the thumbnail images.The high resolution images will be coded to the gallery format first, followed by a change in the thumbnails to a smaller size.
::: Coming Attractions ::: Complete upgrade of all species pages with new and improved image galleries. At some point, we will finish the text descriptions for the virtual tour site pages and complete the descriptions on individual species pages. Of course, I will continue to update and add species images as they become available. msb
29 December 2006: Converted to image galleries on the following pages: Chinese elm, chinquapin, climbing dogbane, coral honeysuckle, common greenbrier, coral bean, Chinese parasoltree, crapemyrtle, crossvine, deciduous holly, delta post oak, devilwood, dewberry, diamond leaf oak, downy leucothoe, downy serviceberry, dollarleaf rhynochosia, Drummond red maple, devil's-walkingstick, dwarf pawpaw, dwarf greenbrier, eastern baccharis, eastern cottonwood, eastern hophornbeam, elderberry, Elliott's huckleberry, eastern redbud, eastern redcedar, and evergreen blueberry. msb
21December 2006: Converted to image galleries on the following pages: American beech, American elm, American holly, American mistletoe, American sycamore, arrow-wood, ball moss, Carolina basswood, bear grass, butterfly milkweed, bicolor lespedeza, bigleaf magnolia, bitternut hickory, bitter pecan, black cherry, blackjack oak, black locust, black walnut, black willow, bluejack oak, bluestem, boxelder, bradford pear, brownhair tephrosia, bushkiller, butterfly pea, buttonbush, camphor tree, candleberry, cat greenbrier, Carolina buckthorn, cherrybark oak, cherrylaurel, Chickasaw plum, and chinaberry. msb
15 December 2006: ***New Feature Added*** Upgraded pages for baldcypress and black oak to include a new and improved image gallery! Images can now be displayed with captions, and viewed as a "slideshow" with next/previous feature and can be accessed from any of the thumbnail images. The upgrade will continue until all species pages are completed. msb
4 December 2006: Updated the following species pages with additional images: American sycamore, bitter pecan, Chinese elm, crapemyrtle, loblolly pine, longleaf pine, oleander, southern magnolia, swamp chestnut oak, sweetbay, and sweetgum. msb
21 November 2006: Updated the following species pages with additional images: crapemyrtle, French mulberry, goldenrod, Nuttall oak, sawtooth oak, slash pine, smooth sumac, and sugarberry. msb
1 November 2006: Updated the following species pages with additional images: coral honeysuckle, crapemyrtle, French mulberry, Shumard oak, slash pine, spruce pine, swamp chestnut oak, and willow oak. Updated the Home page to include additional Principal Photographer. Corrected labels for black willow flower and fruit images. Fixed labels on dollarleaf rhynchosia (fruit images). Corrected labels on Drummond red maple twig images. Corrected image number on slash pine male cone image. Adjusted the thumbnail image spacing on the following pages: arrow-wood, Drummond red maple, devil's-walkingstick, elderberry, eastern redcedar, and waxmyrtle. msb
13 October 2006: Updated the following species pages with new images: Chinese elm, coral honeysuckle, eastern hophornbeam, oleander, red-berried moonseed, and southern red oak. Repaired Crateagus opaca link on "species list by scientific name" page. Corrected the placement of Chinese elm on the "species list by common name" page. msb
22 September 2006: Updated the following species pages with new images: flowering dogwood and ginkgo. msb
6 September 2006: Added 5-poster series for download. The theme is Plants of Louisiana Forests. Posters include: Common Forest Plants of Louisiana; Blooms of Louisiana Forests; Fruits of Louisiana Forests; Features of Louisiana Forest Plants; and Leaves of Louisiana Forests. msb
21 August 2006: Updated the following species pages with new images: American beech, crapemyrtle, eastern cottonwood, Japanese honeysuckle, red-berried moonseed, water tupelo, and yellow-poplar. Updated footers on all Virtual Tour pages. msb
06 July 2006: Updated the following species pages with new images: bushkiller. Replaced thumbnail image on woolly croton fruit. Added the 1996 Wetland Species List to download from Plant List Sorted by Wetland Indicator page. msb
22 June 2006: Repaired links to lanceleaf greenbrier (Smilax lanceolata). Completed update of species-page footers, and assorted code fixes. msb
19 June 2006: Continued update of species-page footers, and navigation links. msb
15 June 2006: Updated the following species pages with new images: red mulberry, waxmyrtle. Updates to contact information and footers, and minor code tweaking. Rearranged "enter" page for greater accessiblity. msb
7 June 2006: Updated all Plant Lists to reflect species distributions in the Virtual Tour Locations. msb
5 June 2006: Added additional Ecosystem Virtual Tour images: Bottomland sites 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16; and Upland sites 6, 7 and 8. All images were obtained in the Kisatchie National Forest, in various Parishes of Louisiana. The total number of Virtual Tour images is now 48! Changed the common name of Ligustrum sinense to Chinese privet on all plant lists. msb
26 May 2006: The redesign and update of all navigation bars is completed. Added new Louisiana Ecosystem Virtual Tour images: Bottomland sites 9, 10, 11, and Upland site 5--all from Washington Parish, Louisiana. msb
24 May 2006: Completed update of many navigation bars; only a few pages to go!msb
19 May 2006: Added iPIX Navigation Instructions page, with links to images and major list pages. Continued update of navigation bars.msb
16 May 2006: Added new Louisiana Ecosystem Virtual Tour images: Bottomland: site 7 and site 8, from St. Martin Parish, LA; Bottomland/Seasonal Wet: site 3, from St. Martin, LA. Began adding new navigation bars to list pages, and virtual tour pages.msb
9 May 2006: Edited the background graphics for several pages to maintain consistancy. msb
8 May 2006: Minor updates and code fixes to Virtual Tour pages and all Plant Lists. msb
5 May 2006: Redesigned and updated all Virtual Tour pages. Updated all Plant Lists to reflect organization of Tour Images into 5 site/type catagories: "urban", "bottomland", "bottomland/seasonal wet", "upland", or "disturbed", plus sites representing damage from Hurricane Katrina. Redesigned and updated Plant Lists sorted by Virtual Tour Location. Updated Wetland Indicatior List with new species. msb
1 May 2006: Updated genus name for resurrection fern to Pleopeltis. Added the following new species pages with images: butterfly pea, Chickasaw plum, goldenrod, hibiscus, ironweed, pencilflower, pickerelweed, and spurred butterfly pea. Updated the following species pages with additional images: bicolor lespedeza, brownhair tephrosia, dollarleaf rhynchosia, goat's rue, joe-pye weed, milkpea, New Jersey tea, water hyacinth, and velvetleaf rhynchosia. Added the following new species pages: bahia grass, cogon grass, dog fennel, Johnsongrass, lespedeza, needle palm, panic grass, pepperbush, rush, sedge, and vetch. Updated Sources page with Miller and Miller, 2005. msb
21 April 2006: Updated the following species pages with additional images: American elm, arrow-wood, baldcypress, black locust, black willow, dewberry, elderberry, evergreen blueberry, Hercules'-club, lanceleaf greenbrier, lizard's-tail, muscadine, palmetto, sweetleaf, wild grape, winged elm, winged sumac, and wisteria. msb
20 April 2006: Updated the following species pages with additional images: American holly, American sycamore, ball moss, black cherry, black walnut, Carolina buckthorn, cherrylaurel, common privet, eastern hophornbeam, eastern redbud, fetterbush, honeylocust, Leyland cypress, live oak, Nuttall oak, osage-orange, red-berried moonseed, red buckeye, resurrection fern, roughleaf dogwood, sawtooth oak, Shumard oak, southern magnolia, spruce pine, starbush, swamp chestnut oak, water tupelo, white oak, and yaupon. msb
12 April 2006: Updated the following species pages with additional images: American mistletoe, black oak, butterfly milkweed, Chinese parasoltree, devil's-walkingstick, dwarf pawpaw, eastern baccharis, false indigo, fringetree, gallberry, hazel alder, hornbeam, mockernut hickory, paper mulberry, pawpaw, peppervine, rose sp., southern catalpa, southern red oak, sweetbay, tung-oil tree, and white milkweed. Added the following new species page with images: ragweed. Archived the 2005 Site Log. Updated the Species List Sorted by Virtual Tour Site page. msb
9 February 2006: Added 84 additional images of damage from Hurricane Katrina in the form of a slide show. Images were taken in Washington Parish, LA at the LSU AgCenter's Lee Memorial Forest near Sheridan, LA on 16 September 2005, two weeks after the Hurricane, which occured on 29 August 2005. msb
3 February 2006: Added 5 new iPIX images: 1 upland site with "before & after" of Hurricane Katrina damage, and 4 images of damage at other sites after Hurricane Katrina. msb
31 January 2006: Added iPIX images for 4 sites: "Before and After Hurricane Katrina" Added 3 new sites with iPIX images showing damage after Hurricane Katrina. msb
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