2007 Archive
::: What's New ::: 66 new images on 13 species pages. See the list below for details.
::: Coming Attractions ::: At some point, we will finish the text descriptions for the virtual tour site pages and complete the descriptions on individual species pages. Of course, I will continue to update and add species images as they become available. msb
12 December 2007: Updated 13 species pages with 66 new images: bahai grass, cherrylaurel, eastern cottonwood, honeylocust, mayhaw, parsley hawthorn, partridge pea, rattlebox, southern magnolia, sweetleaf, sweet pecan, trifoliate orange, and water oak. msb
28 November 2007: Updated 35 species pages with 95 new images: American holly, bahia grass, black cherry, boxelder, Bradford pear, camphor tree, cherrybark oak, coffeeweed, coral ardisia, crossvine, dog fennel, eastern cottonwood, eastern redbud, green ash, honeylocust, hornbeam, mimosa, muscadine, osage-orange, palmetto, poison ivy, rose, sassafras, silver maple, spicebush, sugarberry, swamp chestnut oak, sweetgum, switchcane, tree ligustrum, trumpet creeper, water oak, white oak, winged elm and wisteria. NOTE: A new page, with images, was added for coral ardisia (Ardisia crenata). msb
5 July 2007: Updated the following species pages with additional images: American sycamore, camphor tree, hornbeam, Japanese climbing fern, paper mulberry, pondcypress, spicebush, and winged elm. msb
27 June 2007: Updated the following species pages with additional images: American sycamore, Chinese privet, elderberry, laurel greenbrier, swamp tupelo, tallowtree, water tupelo, and waxmyrtle. msb
1 May 2007: Added addtional images to crossvine. Updated contact information with a change in Project Director from Dr. Michael Stine to Dr. Richard Keim. msb
19 April 2007: Made adjustments to CSS style sheets so that species pages would be more similar when displayed in various browsers. msb
12 April 2007: New backgrounds for entire Fagaceae family. Repaired minor code problems on the Species List by Virtual Tour Location page. msb
22 March 2007: Updated the following species pages with additional images: American elm, American sycamore, black cherry, goldenrain tree, Hercules'-club, longleaf pine, sago palm, shortleaf pine, smooth sumac, swamp chestnut oak, tallowtree, and water oak. msb
12 March 2007: Completed change to smaller thumbnail images for the remaining 23 Families: Annonaceae, Apocynaceae, Arecaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Bromeliaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Cornaceae, Cupressaceae, Cyrillaceae, Ebenaceae, Ericaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Lauraceae, Moraceae, Myricaceae, Poaceae, Polygonaceae, Polypodiaceae, Pontederiaceae, Rhamnaceae, Rutaceae, Salicaceae, and Styracaceae. Total number of Families represented on the site is 71. msb
28 February 2007: Completed change to smaller thumbnail images for the following Families: Bignoniaceae, Cycadaceae, Cyperaceae, Hippocastanaceae, Hypericaceae, Juncaceae, Loganiaceae, Menispermaceae, Platanaceae, Podocarpaceae, Rubiaceae, Saururaceae, Saxifragaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Sterculiaceae, Symplocaceae, Theaceae, and Tiliaceae (18 families).msb
23 February 2007: Completed change to smaller thumbnail images for the following Families: Anacardiaceae, Aquifoliaceae, Araliaceae, Asteraceae, Celastraceae, Clethraceae, Elaeagnaceae, Ginkgoaceae, Loranthaceae, Lythraceae, Malvaceae, Meliaceae, Nyssaceae, Sapindaceae, Schizaeaceae, and Verbenaceae (16 families). msb
9 February 2007: Completed change to smaller thumbnail images for the following Families: Aceraceae, Betulaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Liliaceae, Oleaceae, Taxodiaceae, and Vitaceae (7 families). msb
2 February 2007: Completed change to smaller thumbnail images for the following Families: Juglandaceae, Magnoliaceae, Pinaceae, Rosaceae, and Ulmaceae (5 families). msb
31 January 2007: Completed change to smaller thumbnail images for the following Families: Fabaceae, and Fagaceae (2 families). msb
17 January 2007: Completed conversion to image galleries. The following species pages are now included: sawtooth oak, southern catalpa, sensitivebriar, shortleaf pine, Shumard oak, silver maple, slash pine, smooth sumac, southern crab apple, southern red oak, sourwood, southern magnolia, Spanish moss, spicebush, spruce pine, spurred butterfly pea, St. Andrew's cross, starbush, strawberry bush, sugarberry, swamp chestnut oak, swamp privet, swamp tupelo, sweetbay, sweetgum, sweetleaf, sweet pecan, switchcane, tallowtree, trumpet creeper, tree huckleberry, tree ligustrum, tung-oil tree, two-wing silverbell, velvetleaf rhynchosia, Virginia creeper, Virginiawillow, water hickory, water hyacinth, water oak, water tupelo, waxmyrtle, white milkweed, white oak, white titi, wild azalea, wild grape, willow oak, winged elm, winged sumac, wisteria, witch-hazel, woolly croton, yaupon, yellow jessamine, and yellow poplar. msb
16 January 2007: Converted to image galleries on the following pages: Chinese privet, New Jersey tea, Nuttall oak, oleander, osage-orange, overcup oak, palmetto, paper mulberry, partridge pea, pawpaw, pencilflower, peppervine, persimmon, pickerelweed, pignut hickory, planertree, poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, possumhaw, post oak, pumpkin ash, ragweed, rattan, red bay, red buckeye, red chokeberry, red maple, red-berried moonseed, red mulberry, resurrection fern, river birch, rose, roughleaf dogwood, sago palm, sandbar willow, sassafras, and saw greenbrier. Approximately 65 more species pages to convert. msb
5 January 2007: Archived 2006 Site Log. Converted to image galleries on the following pages: eastern white pine, false indigo, fetterbush, flowering dogwood, Florida maple, fringetree, French mulberry, gallberry, ginkgo, goat's rue, goldenrain tree, goldenrod, green ash, hazel alder, hercules'-club, hibiscus, heartleaf peppervine, honeylocust, hornbeam, ironweed, Japanese yew, Japanese climbing fern, Japanese honeysuckle, joe-pye weed, kudzu, lanceleaf greenbrier, laurel greenbrier, ladies'-eardrops, Leyland cypress, live oak, lizard's-tail, loblolly pine, longleaf pine, milkpea, mimosa, mockernut hickory, and muscadine. msb
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