2011 Archive
::: What's New ::: A new feature has been added to the site: the ability to pan and zoom on high resolution images of plant features. Using the Zoomify™ software, images have been "tiled" to allow large image sizes to be downloaded quickly, and allow the user to zoom into areas of iterest interactively. The most recent families added are: Aquifoliaceae, Bromeliaceae, Cornaceae, Ebanaceae, and Myrsinaceae That is a total of 35 families. You can check the sitelog (below) and previous progress on the 2008 Sitelog. My next goal is to complete another 15 familes of the 73 families on the site, to bring the total to 50.
::: Coming Attractions ::: Many more "Zoomified" images. At some point, we will finish the text descriptions for the virtual tour site pages and complete the descriptions on individual species pages. Of course, I will continue to update and add species images as they become available.
12 December 2011: Changed fruit description for buttonbush. msb
22 November 2011: Changed Aleurites fordii (tung-oil tree) to Vernicia fordii. msb
22 September 2011: Yes, it has been a long time since I updated. I have added Ilex verticillata. More will be coming soon!. msb
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