Kisatchie National Forest
Vernon District
Vernon Parish, LA
This area is classified as a Western Upland Longleaf Pine Forest by the Louisiana Natural Heritage Program (LNHP). Pinus palustris (longleaf pine) is the dominant species. This area is located on the road opposite Upland: site 6. A prescribed burn was preformed at the same time as on site 6, but the effect of the burn was very different, and was not as successful, in this area. Species diversity seems to be about the same, however, total number of plants is greatly increased.
The site is floristically rich in forbs and has no dominant mid-story. One indicator species is Pteridium aquilinum (bracken fern), which is common on this type of site after a fire. Another good indicator species is Echinacea pallidae (purple cone flower). Some negative indicator species that may be present after fire are: Quercus marilandica (blackjack oak), Rhus copallina (wnged-sumac), and Liquidambar styraciflua (sweetgum). Other species present on this site, but not easily distinguishable in the image above are: Chamaecrista fasciculata (partridgepea), Desmodium sp. (beggar lice), Dichanthelium sp. (panic grass), and Liatris phychostachya (purple gay feather, or blazing star).
Also indicated in the image are red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW) sites. The boundaries to the RCW areas are marked with red paint and "RWC endangered species" signs. The trees marked with white paint are possible nesting trees. The presence of RCW's usually dictates the management practices of the area.
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries has more information about the Louisiana Natural Heritage Program (LNHP) and the classification of Natural
Communities of Louisiana.