Kisatchie National Forest
Winn District
Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana
This area is located approximately one-fourth of a mile off State Highway 570. It is classified as a "baygall" (or Forested Seep) by the Louisiana Natural Heritage Program (LNHP). The soils on this site are sandy, and typically acidic. Due to its more moist nature, fires do not occur as often through this type of area, and when they do occur, the fire is not as intense. Therefore, the vegetative cover is more dense at all levels. The overstory level is characterized by Magnolia virginiana (sweetbay), Nyssa sylvatica (hill blackgum), Itea virginica (Virginawillow), and Ilex sp. (hollys). The indicator species for the understory include a variety of fern species: Osmunda cinnamomea (cinnamon fern), Osmunda regalis (royal fern), and Athyrium felix-femina (southern lady fern).
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries has more information about the Louisiana Natural
Heritage Program (LNHP) and the classification of Natural Communities of Louisiana.