blackjack oak
Quercus marilandica Münchh.
  • LEAVES: alternate, simple, semi-persistent to persistent, 3-7” long by 3-5” wide, blades widest near apex and typically with three apical lobes, these often bearing bristle tips; upper blade surface dark green and glossy, lower surface yellow to rusty
  • FLOWER: unisexual, plants monoecious, male flowers in catkins, female flowers born singly or several in short axillary spikes
  • FRUIT: acorn 0.5-0.8” long, light brown, obovate-oblong; cupule rusty brown, covering 30-60% of acorn; inner surface of cupule pubescent
  • TWIGS: stout, dark brown or grayish brown; buds narrowly conical, scales densely covered in tawny or rusty hairs
  • BARK: : black, deep fissures, nearly rectangular plates
  • FORM: small to medium tree, often “scrubby”, branches numerous and often drooping
  • HABITAT: upland longleaf pine woodlands, shortleaf pine-oak-hickory woodlands, sandstone glades and glade margins, glade-like sodic/alkali flatwoods
  • WETLAND DESIGNATION: this species does not occur in wetlands anywhere in its range
  • RANGE: TX, OK, KS eastward [USGS Range Map]
  • USES: not commercially important, wood is hard and heavy, used for fence posts, railroad ties, and fuel; residual trees serve as ornamentals but this species is not readily available in the nursery trade
  • WILDLIFE: important hard mast species for mammals and birds on dry infertile soils, preferred mast by fox squirrels
  • Best Recognition Features:
    1. evergreen to semi-evergreen scrubby oak of dry infertile sites
    2. leaves thick, obovate to spatulate with shallow terminal lobes; dark green above, yellow to rusty below
    3. black blocky bark