black oak
Quercus velutina
  • ALTERNATE COMMON NAME: yellowbark oak
  • LEAVES: alternate, simple; 5-8 inches, 5-7 lobes; shiny green above, coppery green below with some pubescence, prominent axillary tufts; dimorphic:
       in upper crown - broad deep sinuses (deeply lobed)
       in lower crown - shallow sinuses, “bearpaw” shaped
  • FLOWER: monoecious, catkins
  • FRUIT: acorn 1/2 to 3/4 inch, saucer cup, covers 1/3 to 1/2 nut; loosely imbricated pubescent scales (fringed border); acorns in pairs or single
  • TWIGS:
  • BARK: dark, broad ridges, narrow furrows, inner bark orange to yellow
  • FORM: medium to large tree 70-90 feet; often scrubby form
  • HABITAT: dry upland slopes and ridges
  • RANGE: eastern US; nowhere common, but widely distributed
  • USES: fair wood, marketed as red oak, tannin; excellent mast
  • Best Recognition Features:
    1. black outer bark, yellow inner
    2. dimorphic leaves - lower bearpaw, bristle tipped
    3. acorn cup with fringe of loose scales