Cephalanthus occidentalis L.
  • LEAVES: simple, deciduous, opposite or whorled leaves; blades ovate-oblong, tips acuminate, margins entire, stipules interpetiolar, short and triangular
  • FLOWER: spherical head of white flowers, terminal and axillary; flowering July to August
  • FRUIT: dry schizocarp with two nutlets
  • TWIGS:
  • FORM: large multi-stemmed shrub, rarely arborescent, to ca. 25’ tall
  • HABITAT: wet swales in bottomland hardwoods, backwater swamps, floodplain lakes (forming shrub swamps), lake and pond margins
  • WETLAND DESIGNATION: Obligate Wetland (OBL): Almost always occurs in wetlands of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast Plain Region
  • RANGE: eastern U.S. and some western states [MAP], [MAP][Map Legend]
  • USES: ornamental
  • WILDLIFE: moderately browsed by whitetail deer, ducks consume seeds; important cover plant for many species
  • Best Recognition Features:
    1. multi-stemmed shrub of very wet sites
    2. leaves opposite or whorled, simple
    3. spherical heads of flowers and fruits