Ditrysinia fruticosa (W. Bartram) Govaerts & Frodin
[Sebastiana ligustrina (W. Bartram) Fernald]
  • ALTERNATE COMMON NAME: Sebastian-bush
  • LEAVES: alternate, simple, tardily deciduous, to ca. 3” long, elliptic-oval-lanceolate, margins sinuate (wavy); leaves turn reddish in fall; milky sap
  • FLOWER: flowers in erect axillary spike-like racemes, yellowish, not showy
  • FRUIT: green, 3-celled capsule
  • TWIGS: grayish brown with raised leaf scars and persistent stipule “stubs”
  • BARK:
  • FORM: loosely branched, inconspicuous shrub, up to 10’ tall, usually much shorter; semi-evergreen
  • HABITAT: chiefly stream banks and small stream valleys and adjacent slopes, mesic flatwoods; acidic soils; a species of old coastal plain landscapes, absent from major floodplains (e.g. Mississippi River)
  • RANGE: southeastern coastal plain from TX east to NC [MAP]
  • USES: ornamental
  • WILDLIFE: seldom browsed by whitetail deer
  • Best Recognition Features:
    1. small inconspicuous understory shrub in mesic forests
    2. leaves alternate simple, tardily deciduous, margins entire with sinuate margins
    3. milky sap