Bignonia capreolata L.
  • LEAVES: opposite, bifoliate-compound, persistent in southern range; 2 leaflets on older plants, one leaflet on young plants; leaflets oblong, margins wavy; bases cordate-auriculate; stipule-like leaves in axils
  • FLOWER: axillary, clusters of 2-5 tubular flowers; corolla up to 2”, 5 lobes; red-orange outside, yellow inside, fragrant (smells like Bit-O-Honey candy)
  • FRUIT: flat a capsule 4-8 inches long, containsing many flat, winged seeds
  • TWIGS: cross-shaped pith caused by 4 prominent pith rays
  • FORM: high-climbing woody vine climbing by branched tendrils with adhesive disks
  • HABITAT: a wide variety of moist sites, including bottomland hardwoods, fence rows, bayhead swamps, and mesic upland forests
  • WETLAND DESIGNATION: Facultative (FAC): Occurs in wetlands or non-wetlands of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast Plain Region
  • RANGE: broadly southeastern US, north to IL, IN OH. [MAP] [Map Color Key]
  • USES: ornamental; stems reportedly smoked like cigars in some localities
  • WILDLIFE: commonly browsed by deer in fall and winter
  • Best Recognition Features:
    1. high climbing, woody vine, evergreen in our region
    2. leaves opposite, compound, 2 leaflets with auriculate bases
    3. branched tendrils with adhesive disks
    4. tubular red-orange and yellow flowers, fragrance like Bit-O-Honey candy; flattened capsule 4-8” long