Darlington oak
Quercus hemisphaerica Michx.
  • LEAVES: alternate, simple, deciduous; 1-3” long by 5/8 to 1.25” wide; coriaceous; oblanceolate to rhombic; lustrous green above, pale below with yellow midrib
  • FLOWER: monoecious, catkins
  • FRUIT: acorn 1/4 to 1/2 inch long; saucer-like cap covers 1/4 or less of the nut
  • TWIGS:
  • BARK: dark gray to black; deep furrows with flattened ridges when older
  • FORM: 60-70’ feet x 2-3 ft dbh
  • HABITAT: more upland than diamond leaf oak, common on well-drained sandy soils
  • WETLAND DESIGNATION: Facultative Upland (FACU): Usually occurs in non-wetlands, but may occur in wetlands of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast Plain Region
  • RANGE: coastal plain to 500 feet elevation
  • USES: mixed in with other southern red oaks for lumber; ornamental
  • Best Recognition Features:
    1. upland site
    2. oblanceolate to rhombic leaves
    3. coriaceous, lustrous green above, pale below

    NOTE: Q. obtusa is treated as a synonym of Q. laurifolia; Q. laurifolia can be split into: Q. hemisphaerica (laurel oak) AND Q. laurifolia (diamond leaf oak)

    diamond leaf oak
    rhombic leaves; acorns 5/8 to 3/4 inch diameter
    :: laurel oak ::
    wider, elliptical, unspatulated leaves; green acorns; not common in Louisiana
    water oak
    spatulated leaves; acorns 1/2 inch, nearly black
    willow oak
    narrow unspatuated leaves; green-to-dark acorns