Albizia julibrissin Durazz.
  • LEAVES: deciduous, alternate, even-bipinnately compound; to 12” long by 6” wide; with up to ca. 25 leaflets (pinnae) altogether bearing up to ca. 1000 small subleaflets (pinnules); midribs of subleaflets off-centered
  • FLOWER: unisexual (staminate) and bisexual; flowers small, organized in dense globose heads which are arranged in racemes or panicles in the axil of the uppermost leaf on current season’s growth; central most flower in a head is bisexual; stamens many, showy pink, thus heads are “powderpuff-like”; flowering in early summer
  • FRUIT: flat yellowish brown pod (legume), 4-8” long
  • TWIGS: slender and green with raised light gray lenticels; slightly zigzag pattern; terminal buds absent
  • BARK: gray to grayish brown, smooth
  • FORM: small deciduous tree with an ascending trunk and umbrella-like crown
  • HABITAT: upland forest edges, trail and roadsides, waste areas
  • RANGE: native to Asia; naturalized throughout much of the southern US
    [Global Range Map] [US County Range Map]
  • USES: ornamental, naturalized throughout much of the South; susceptible to a fungal blight, which enters through roots and destroys sapwood
  • WILDLIFE: serves pollinators
  • Best Recognition Features:
    1. small tree with an ascending trunk, umbrella-like crown, and smooth gray bark
    2. alternate, even-bipinnately compound leaves with a feathery or lacy look
    3. off-centered midrib on subleaflets
    4. showy “puffy” pink flowers in heads
    5. flat thin-walled pod which often persists on trees