LEAVES: deciduous, alternate, simple; with minute stipules; petioles about equaling the blades in length; blades cordate to reniform, 2-4” wide, apex short-acuminate, margins usually dentate, v-shaped sinus at base, upper surface glabrous, lustrous green, lower surface glabrous except along veins, NOT glaucous (as in some other Vitis spp.)
FLOWER: functionally unisexual, very small, greenish yellow, in roundish axillary panicles to ca. 3” across, panicles present only at two consecutive nodes; flowering in early spring
FRUIT: berry, black, purple, or yellow-green (scuppernong) to 1” broad; fruiting inflorescences usually with 12 or fewer berries, 1 to 2.5 cm diameter, tough skin separates from pulp
TWIGS: twigs of the season terete to slightly angled, pubescent to nearly glabrous, growing tips not enveloped by unfolding leaves; tendrils present only at two consecutive nodes; pith brown and continuous through nodes
BARK: smooth with lenticels on younger woody stems, bark of older stems tight, exfoliating with greater age
FORM:high climbing vine, or sprawling, sometimes shrubby, with unbranched tendrils
HABITAT: wide variety of sites, including well-drained sites and lowlands, growing in forests, forest edges, and open sites
WETLAND DESIGNATION: Facultative (FAC): Occurs in wetlands or non-wetlands of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast Plain Region
RANGE: southeastern US [US County Range Map]
USES: berries edible, used to make jelly, jam, wine, etc.; cultivated
WILDLIFE: fruit is eaten by many birds and mammals; young vines are browsed by whitetail deer
Best Recognition Features:
- leaves cordate-reniform, not distinctly lobed
- tendrils unbranched (other Vitis spp. have branched tendrils)
- pith brown and continuous through nodes (pith interrupted at nodes in other Vitis spp.)