ALTERNATE COMMON NAME: buck vine, cow vine
LEAVES: alternate, doubly-pinnate to partly tri-pinnately compound; lustrous green above, purplish tint; subleaflets with toothed margins
FLOWER: inconspicuous, light green, in
loose stalked cyme; clusters shorter than the leaves
FRUIT: shiny blue-black berries, to 0.4" diameter, inedible, pepper-hot to the taste
TWIGS: tendrils present opposite the leaves on leader stems
FORM: woody climbing vine, climbing by tendrils, tendrils sometimes absent; may form dense mats without other plants to climb upon
HABITAT: heavy soils; streambanks, floodplain forests and disturbed areas, fence and hedge rows, moist thickets, old fields
WETLAND DESIGNATION: Facultative (FAC): Occurs in wetlands or non-wetlands of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast Plain Region
RANGE: Texas, Oklahoma and Missouri eastward to Virginia and Florida [MAP]
WILDLIFE: browse pressure by whitetail deer varies, but high usage has been recorded in Lower Mississippi Valley parishes; valuable bedding cover for whitetail deer; fruit consumed by some songbirds
Best Recognition Features:
- woody vine climbing by tendrils, or forming dense tangles without climbing structure
- dark green to reddish bi- to tri-pinnately compound leaves
- clusters of shiny black berries