LEAVES: opposite, simple, deciduous; ovate to elliptic; venation arcuate; appressed hairs on upper surface impart a slightly scabrous texture
FLOWER: white, in large (2-4”) open, flat-topped cymose clusters; flowering in spring following emergence of new leaves
FRUIT: white drupes, 1/4”
TWIGS: younger twigs smooth, reddish brown
BARK: dark gray, narrow fissures and rectangular blocky scales on larger trees
FORM: thicket-forming shrub or small tree
HABITAT: floodplain soils and upland clay soils
WETLAND DESIGNATION: Facultative (FAC): Occurs in wetlands or non-wetlands of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast Plain Region
RANGE: south central US [MAP]
USES: wood – shuttle-blocks, charcoal; ornamental
WILDLIFE: fruit consumed by many birds and several mammals, shoots commonly browsed by whitetail deer; provides cover
Best Recognition Features:
- small tree with opposite leaves having arcuate venation
- upper leaf surfaces slightly scabrous
- open flat-topped clusters of white flowers and fruit
Cornus foemia Mill. (stiff dogwood) is similar, but has blue fruit and its leaves are smooth above rather than scabrous. Also, C. foemina is wetter sited (FACW) and occurs on old landscapes in habitats such as small stream forests and bayhead swamps. |