white titi
Cyrilla racemiflora
  • LEAVES: alternate, simple, late deciduous; 2-5” long x 1” wide; oblanceolate; shiny green; thick; rolled edges
  • FLOWER: white racemes, at base of current years growth; drooping, up to 15 cm long; June; good honey
  • FRUIT: drupe, 2.5 mm long, brown or olive; fall; racemes persistent
  • TWIGS: light brown (white) on new growth; somewhat flattened, or three-angled
  • BARK: thin, shreddy, reddish brown
  • FORM: shrub or small tree, up to 30 feet
  • HABITAT: swamps, streams, acid soils
  • WETLAND DESIGNATION: Facultative Wetland (FACW): Usually occurs in wetlands, but may occur in non-wetlands of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast Plain Region
  • RANGE: southeastern US coastal plain
  • USES: excellent deer browse; escape cover for deer, especially important when hunting with dogs; ornamental
  • Best Recognition Features:
    1. drooping racemes, white flowers, base of current year's growth
    2. three-angled, lustrous twigs; white bark
    3. shreddy salmon-colored bark
    4. wet sites