Kisatchie National Forest
Winn District
Winn Parish, Louisiana
This area is designated as a Bald Cypress Swamp, by the Louisiana Natural Heritage Program, and nationally classifies as a "Wild and Scenic River". It is located off Louisiana State Highway 156 on the Saline Bayou at the public picnic area and boat ramp.
The area is domiated by Taxodium distichum (baldcypress), Quercus nigra (water oak), and Quercus phellos (willow oak). Of note in the image are the "knees" and stem buttressing that baldcypress is noted for. Both of these features of baldcypress are thought to be an adaption to the wetland environment to provide stability/anchoring and increased area for gas exchange.
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries has more information about the Louisiana Natural
Heritage Program (LNHP) and the classification of Natural Communities of Louisiana.