ALTERNATE COMMON NAME: swamp red maple
LEAVES: opposite, simple, deciduous; blades 3-6” long and wide, palmately 3-5 lobed with V-shaped sinuses; whitish and tomentose below; petiole red
FLOWER: functionally unisexual, plants usually dioecious; flowers varying from deep red to pinkinsh; pistillate flowers on drooping racemes, staminate flowers in axillary fascicles; flowering well before leaf-out, December through February
FRUIT: ded to pinkish double samara, maturing in early spring
TWIGS: reddish buds, terminal blunt, globose lateral flower buds; flower buds swell almost as soon as leaves drop in the fall
BARK: light to dark gray, smooth when young, long scaly plates when older
FORM: medium sized tree
HABITAT: bottomland hardwood forests, cypress-tupelo swamps
WETLAND DESIGNATION: Acer rubrum is classified as Facultative (FAC). The current national list of plants that occur in wetlands does not provide wetland indicator status ratings for subspecific taxa.
RANGE: southeastern US [USDA Range MAP] [USGS Range Map]
USES: considered a soft maple (referring to softer wood than hard maple, represented by Acer saccharum), moderate quality hardwood when large, used for baskets, veneer, pulp, pallets, musical instruments, specialty wood items
WILDLIFE: stump sprouts usually heavily browsed by deer and small mammals; seeds eaten by song and game birds; important squirrel food; provides nectar/pollen resources for pollinators very early in the season
Best Recognition Features:
- opposite simple, palmately 3-5 lobed leaves
- leaves tomentose beneath
- red flowers and particularly showy red (sometimes pink-salmon); double samaras maturing before leaf-out
- on very wet sites