ALTERNATE COMMON NAME: common persimmon
LEAVES: alternate, simple, deciduous; elliptic to ovate, 4-6" long by 2-3” broad, tips often short acuminate; lower surface pale green, pubescent, with numerous veins that turn black in fall
FLOWER: functionally unisexual, plants functionally dioecious; flowers of both sexes inconspicuous, greenish, the male flowers few in axillary clusters, female flowers solitary in leaf axils
FRUIT: berry, orange to yellow, 1.5-2" in diameter, with numerous flattened seeds; ripening in late fall
TWIGS: zigzagging, pubescent, buds dark brown to black and triangular; year-old twigs chambered
BARK: blackish, with small blocky squares resembling alligator hide
FORM: small to medium tree, 30-50' tall and 12" dbh
HABITAT: wide range of habitats, abundant in bottomland hardwoods in area subject to prolonged flooding, but also mesic loamy forests and dry-mesic sandy loam pine forests, upland clay soils
WETLAND DESIGNATION: Facultative (FAC): Occurs in wetlands or non-wetlands of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast Plain Region
RANGE: eastern U.S. (north to IL, IN, OH) [USGS Range MAP]
USES: valuable wood, used for golf club heads, furniture, shoe lasts and other small specialty wood items, wedges, billiard cues, flooring; edible fruit
WILDLIFE: excellent soft mast eaten by many wildlife species; low-value deer browse
Best Recognition Features:
- alligator hide bark
- dark brown-black triangular buds
- pubescent leaf undersurface and twigs
- on younger plants leaf size tends to becomes smaller from tips to base of shoots