poison ivy
Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze
  • LEAVES: alternate, trifoliate compound, deciduous; glabrous to shiny above, pubescent veins below; leaflet margins coarsely serrate, tips acuminate; red fall color
  • FLOWER: inconspicuous axillary panicles
  • FRUIT: axillary clusters of yellowish-to-white dry drupes
  • TWIGS: naked, brown, pubescent buds
  • BARK: lenticels usually conspicuous
  • FORM: woody vine climbing with aerial roots which are not restricted to nodes; can form stands consisting of creeping or erect stems on forest floors where climbing structure is lacking
  • HABITAT: mainly of mesic forests, fence-rows, very frequent on landscape
  • WETLAND DESIGNATION: Facultative (FAC): Occurs in wetlands or non-wetlands of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast Plain Region
  • RANGE: eastern North America [MAP]
  • WILDLIFE: moderate to high-value whitetail deer browse; deer also consume fruit; fruit eaten by many song birds and squirrels
  • Best Recognition Features:
    1. large climbing woody vine with many aerial root
    2. alternate trifoliate compound leaves
    3. fruit a small whitish drupe, panicle inflorescence

    Related species:
    poison oak (Toxicodendron pubescens): erect plant, densely pubescent leaves, three oak-like leaflets, found on dry sites and old fields