2008 Archive
::: What's New ::: A new feature has been added to the site: the ability to pan and zoom on high resolution images of plant features. Using the Zoomify™ software, images have been "tiled" to allow large image sizes to be downloaded quickly, and allow the user to zoom into areas of iterest interactively. So far, members of the Aceraceae, Anacardiaceae, Betulaceae, Bignoniaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Celestraceae, Fabaceae, Fagaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Juglandaceae, Lauraceae, Liliaceae, Magnoliaceae, Moraceae, Myricaceae, Nyssaceae, Oleaceae, Pinaceae, Rhamnaceae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae, Taxodiaceae, Ulmaceae, Verbanaceae, and Vitaceae have been processed and uploaded (see the list below). That is a total of 25 families. I hope to have 35 of the most represented families (of the 73 families, total on the site) completed by the first of January (I've gotten a little behind getting this done...)
::: Coming Attractions ::: Many more "Zoomified" images. At some point, we will finish the text descriptions for the virtual tour site pages and complete the descriptions on individual species pages (see the update for 25 June). Of course, I will continue to update and add species images as they become available.
13 January 2009: Happy New Year! I finally got back to working to "Zoomify" images. I am currently working on the Platanaceae. I have tried a different version of implimenting the FlashViewer code with Javascript for the Zoomified Images to cut down on the number of files needed for the site. I think it works OK. But you can check the American sycamore page by clicking on the thumbnails, then the "zoomify image" link. Let me know if the image comes up ok, and which browser you are using. Hopefully, I can make some good progress now to get the rest of the families done. msb
9 December 2008: Corrected the "Plant List Sorted by Common Name" page by deleting the duplicate entry for eastern redbud, and re-inserting the entry for eastern hophornbeam which had been inadvertently deleted. msb
10 November 2008: Restructured the Plant List Sorted By Common Name page so that species would be easier to find by more common, general names. For example, eastern cottonwood can now be found under "E" for eastern, and under "C" for cottonwood. Hope this helps! msb
6 November 2008: Updated species in the following families to include "zoomified" images: ANACARDIACEAE (5 species, 23 images), CAPRIFOLIACEAE (5 species, 27 images), CELASTRACEAE (1 species, 3 images), HAMAMELIDACEAE (2 species, 6 images), LAURACEAE (3 species, 11 images), MYRICACEAE (1 species, 4 images), SALICACEAE (3 species, 15 images), TAXODIACEAE (2 species, 8 images), and VERBANACEAE (1 species, 6 images). That is a total of 23 species, and 102 images. I hope to have 10 more famlies "zoomified" and uploaded within the next week. Keeping checking back!msb
29 October 2008: Updated the following species pages with additional species description information: American sycamore, Chinese pistache, eastern cottonwood, and paper mulberry. Udated the following species pages with additional images: red chokeberry and southern catalpa. Updated species in the following families to include "zoomified" images: VITACEAE (6 species, 29 images), BIGNONIACEAE (3 species, 19 images), MORACEAE (3 species, 18 images), NYSSACEAE (3 species, 15 images), RHAMNACEAE, (3 species, 13 images), and ROSACEAE (11 species, 52 images). This is a total of 6 families, 29 species, and 146 images. msb
13 October 2008: Corrected the spelling of the family name "Styracaceae" in all instances. (Hey, mistakes happen, but at least I was consistent...wrong, but consistent!) msb
7 October 2008: Changed all of the Smilax sp. from the family: LILIACEAE, to the family: SMILACACEAE. This is in keeping with the currently recognized taxomimic placement. For more information see the USDA NCRS Plants Database and the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). msb
16 September 2008: Updated the following species pages with new images: false indigo, camphor tree, and coffeeweed. More "Zoomified" images are coming...I promise! msb
19 August 2008: Updated the following species pages with new images: American beech, bitternut hickory, black walnut, Carolina ash, chinaberry, Chinese parasoltree, crossvine, eastern redbud, heartleaf peppervine, pawpaw, pignut hickory, red buckeye, red mulberry, silver maple, southern crabapple, and witch-hazel. That's a total of 40 new images! msb
08 August 2008: Most of the FABACEAE have been updated to include "zoomified" images (109 images total !), specifically: black locust, bicolor lespedeza, brownhair tephrosia, butterfly pea, coffeeweed, coral bean, dollarleaf rhynchosia, eastern redbud, false indigo, goat's rue, honeylocust, kudzu, milkpea, mimosa, partridge pea, pencilflower, rattlebox, sensitivebriar, spurred butterfly pea, velvetleaf rhynchosia, and wisteria. The Vitaceae will be zoomified" next! msb
31 July 2008: A couple of notes were added to the red bay and sassafras pages. All of the BETULACEAE have been updated to include "zoomified" images (17 images total), specifically: eastern hophornbeam, hazel alder, hornbeam, and river birch. The Fabaceae will be zoomified" next! msb
25 July 2008: Most of the ULMACEAE have been updated to include "zoomified" images (18 images total) specifically: American elm, Chinese elm, planertree, sugarberry, and winged elm. The Magnoliaceae will be added next! msb
29 July 2008: Fixed some messy coding/design problems with the List of Species by Virtual Tour page. msb
28 July 2008: All of the MAGNOLIACEAE have been updated to include "zoomified" images (23 images total) specifically: bigleaf magnolia, southern magnolia, starbush, sweetbay, and yellow-poplar. The Betulaceae will be added next! msb
25 July 2008: Most of the ULMACEAE have been updated to include "zoomified" images (18 images total) specifically: American elm, Chinese elm, planertree, sugarberry, and winged elm. The Magnoliaceae will be added next! msb
18 July 2008: Most of the OLEACEAE have been updated to include "zoomified" images (40 images total) specifically: Chinese privet, devilwood, fringetree, green ash, pumpkin ash, swamp privet, and tree ligustrum. The Ulmaceae will be added next! msb
15 July 2008: All of the LILIACEAE have been updated to include "zoomified" images (28 images total) specifically: bear grass, cat greenbrier, common greenbrier, dwarf greenbrier, lanceleaf greenbrier, laural greenbrier, and saw greenbrier. The Oleaceae will be added next! msb
11 July 2008: Several of the JUGLANDACEAE have been updated to include "zoomified" images (for a total of 17 images), specifically: bitter pecan, black walnut, mockernut hickory, sweet pecan, and water hickory. The Liliaceae are up next! msb
10 July 2008: All of the ACERACEAE have been updated to include "zoomified" images, specifically: boxelder, Drummond red maple, Florida maple, red maple, and silver maple. The Juglandaceae are up next! msb
7 July 2008: Several of the PINACEAE have been updated to include "zoomified" images: eastern white pine, loblolly pine, longleaf pine, shortleaf pine, slash pine, and spruce pine. The ACERACEAE are up next! msb
30 June 2008: Updated the 4 Fraxinus species (caroliniana, pennsylvanica, profunda, and americana) to include a table comparing the characteristics. msb
27 June 2008: Added the following new species to the website: Fraxinus caroliniana (Carolina ash), with images msb
25 June 2008: Species descriptions added to the following pages: buckwheat tree, butterfly pea, cogon grass, dahoon holly, dog fennel, hibiscus, laurel greenbrier, lespedeza, loblolly bay, milkpea, mockernut hickory, New Jersey tea, pepperbush, ragweed, southern bayberry, spurred butterfly pea, and water hyacinth. msb
20 June 2008: New species added to the website: Chinese pistache (Pistacia chinensis) with Zoomified images of leaves and immature fruit. msb
17 June 2008: The following pages have images that have been processed through Zoomify™ software: FAGACEAE: white oak, water oak, and willow oak. The Pinaceae will be up next. Watch for more to come!! And let me know what you think of the images! The link to the US Fish & Wildlife Service Wetlands Inventory "Wetland Indicator List" has been re-established. Or, you can download a PDF of the list directly from our Wetland Indicator Catagory page, as a PDF. msb
12 June 2008: The following pages have images that have been processed through Zoomify™ software: FAGACEAE: bluejack oak, post oak, sawtooth oak, and Shumard oak. Watch for more to come!! And let me know what you think of the images! msb
6 June 2008: The following pages have images that have been processed through Zoomify™ software: FAGACEAE: American beech, black oak, blackjack oak, bluejack oak, cherrybark oak, chinquapin, delta post oak, diamond leaf oak, live oak, Nuttall oak, and overcup oak. Watch for more to come!! The following species pages have been updated with new images: bigleaf magnolia, black oak, bluejack oak, Carolina buckthorn, downy serviceberry, fetterbush, flowering dogwood, hazel alder, hill blackgum, persimmon, poison sumac, red maple, royal paulownia, sassafras, sedge, slash pine, sourwood, St. Andrew's cross, starbush, sweet gallberry, tree huckleberry, two-wing silverbell, wild azalea, willow oak, yaupon, and yellow poplar. I also correct the spelling of the the common name for Paulownia tomentosa (royal paulownia).
2 January 2008: Updated copyright info for site. Corrected a couple of spelling errors.
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